Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy People: They Are Real

 Once upon a time someone wrote ...

"I don't believe anyone who pretends to be happy all the time!  You're not a real person."

... And so a "happy person", with the help of a "real person" most famously known for his intelligence, was inspired to share with the world that people who believe in fairy tales will put all their energy into creating their own.  For if you hold the pen, only you can decide if each day will hold a happy ending.

As a real person, you have no wand!

Because you most obviously cannot wave your magical wand and turn each day into a happy one, you must learn to find the magic already existing inside yourself!

Magic!  All real people have it!

Those actively looking for this magic and consciously practicing it, will naturally become a positively  positive force to be reckoned with.

Negativity is the happy person's tool.  

Well hello! This is science!  Can positivity even exist without negativity?  If it did, what a bore!  A happy person uses the negative to find the positive in a place many think to be non-existent.

What is unhappiness?  Problems.
What is happiness?  Resolution of problems.

Seems simple, but only to those who believe continuous happiness to be a real state of mind.

Dare to argue with Einstein?  Is he not a real person?

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
- Albert Einstein

Most problems are solved with finding the role you played in creating them.  Instead of looking for resolution, most people will carry on in their lives and tote around the problem in mind, words, and actions.  When you stay active in the problem, you're just another villain in the story.  But who plays the villain in his or her own story?!

Allowing misery to take the joy from life is choosing to continue to dwell, or may I say "drown" in the consciousness which creates it.  One who waits for the experience of misery to feel grateful is also a real person, just a real backwards one.  If you are waiting for the painful and sad moments of your life to make you experience the beauty of gratitude and love, which is the true essence of life, you're living life backwards.  If you live your life backwards, you will never ever get to where you're meant or want to be.  And so because you cannot find happiness living backwards, you will think it doesn't exist.  You will think it's momentary, temporary, or completely unattainable in the sad, sad story you write yourself.

Can you imagine doing some of the things you do everyday backwards?  Drive your car backwards, walk backwards, talk backwards ... You're bound to fail.

It's inevitable.

True happiness isn't maintaining a smile through pain.  It isn't telling people you're happy when your not.  It's not play pretend.  In fact, those who play pretend suffer more than those who wear their misery.

A truly happy person is one who practices a life that starts each and every day with gratitude.  Starting each day thankful for your life is opening yourself to what the universe has in store for you!  When you are grateful for what you already have, at the start of each day, you make room for more!  Bigger than that, you welcome it and invite it in!

Because we are human, we are naturally and spiritually empathetic and totally emotional.  We have to experience all emotions to have a truly happy life.  Anyone who is PRETENDING to be happy all the time is a real person too, just a real miserable person.

Imagination is reality.

Our minds which house our imagination can go only one of two ways.  It's the battle in all fairytales; the reoccurring theme of good versus evil.  Most think of imagination and think of childhood.  Yes, that is absolutely where our imagination is seeded. Childhood is a time where the roots are planted for us to harvest our imaginations for adulthood, to feed our minds of all which we can imagine our lives to be.  The happy life exists in your mind, not outside of yourself! Because society tells us imagination is for childlike games and pretending, we grow into conformed and submissive adults that don't think for themselves and are likened to a robot (see "The American Robot, Part 1").

"Imagination is everything.
It is the preview of life's coming attractions".

- Albert Einstein

The person who lives a truly happy life is the one who has the magic to turn negative feelings into positive ones.  Practice gratitude at the start of each and every day and you will manifest the power to find happiness  through all experience and emotion.

So if you are going to live the backwards life, You might as well just walk out of your house in a hand stand and drive with your head in the seat and your feet at the wheels!  And if you are okay with the backwards life, understand that the words you say will only be understood by those who too, choose to live the backwards life.

For the words that come from a
backwards person only sound like the language of misery, which to a real happy person, just sounds backwards!

"Oh but fairytales do exist, my dear.  I know because I live one myself!"


Jennifer of Happy, Ever After <3

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