Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf'

Are you the boy who cried wolf?

If you are known for lying, you most probably are.

Maybe you are a liar, but perhaps, no one has yet to sniff you out as such. At the very least, you are auditioning for the upcoming role of...The Liar.

As The Liar starts playing the role of someone else, he begins to dislike his own life, believing this new role is better or deservingly worse than his own.

Lying is a form of low self-esteem. You say to yourself, "I am the victim, my life sucks." You say to others, "treat me like Oscar and throw me out with the trash." All lies! You are supreme, reigning all over YOUR WORLD.

BUILD CHARACTER, as it is an investment in YOURSELF. Building good character, builds strength and confidence in your own ability, empowering you to BE YOU.

Also, know the characters that surround you. You may even play the game and name them accordingly. {Happy, Ever} After all, it is YOUR STORY, only YOU hold the pen.  If characters should no longer fit your story, none further should they be mentioned. Therefore, no more need to lie to, or about, them.

Why lie? By lying, you are, indeed, playing the the role of someone else. With one life to live, as we know it, why hide your truth...ever? Being true to yourself is the highest form of freedom. Hence, The liar is a thief of his own freedom.

Yes a thief. And since we mentioned thievery, stealing is a form of lying too. You lie to yourself, saying that whatever you have stolen should belong to you. You are also lying to others, saying treat me as The Thief. Again, playing the role of someone else.

The boy who cried wolf is a character that gains the reputation of a liar, therefore no one believes him even when he tells the truth. The boy teaches others how to treat him by his words and his actions.  Are you the boy who cried wolf?  How do you teach others how to treat you?  Or should we say, how do others treat you and who taught them that?  REFLECT on your character, YOU. Be conscious of the words you say and the actions you take.  Are you living as YOU or are you playing roles?

By lying to someone else, you are putting what that person thinks of you (your image in their eyes) over who you are free to be, your true character, YOU.  Remember you live in your own world, inside your own body, as does everyone else.  So live according to you.

Live YOUR LIFE! Lying about your mistakes, or denying your responsibility in any circumstance, keeps you hostage within them. Acknowledging your mistakes, and maintaining responsibility in your present circumstance, is the only way to grow, and move upward, in the hierarchy of HAPPINESS.


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