Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf'

Are you the boy who cried wolf?

If you are known for lying, you most probably are.

Maybe you are a liar, but perhaps, no one has yet to sniff you out as such. At the very least, you are auditioning for the upcoming role of...The Liar.

As The Liar starts playing the role of someone else, he begins to dislike his own life, believing this new role is better or deservingly worse than his own.

Lying is a form of low self-esteem. You say to yourself, "I am the victim, my life sucks." You say to others, "treat me like Oscar and throw me out with the trash." All lies! You are supreme, reigning all over YOUR WORLD.

BUILD CHARACTER, as it is an investment in YOURSELF. Building good character, builds strength and confidence in your own ability, empowering you to BE YOU.

Also, know the characters that surround you. You may even play the game and name them accordingly. {Happy, Ever} After all, it is YOUR STORY, only YOU hold the pen.  If characters should no longer fit your story, none further should they be mentioned. Therefore, no more need to lie to, or about, them.

Why lie? By lying, you are, indeed, playing the the role of someone else. With one life to live, as we know it, why hide your truth...ever? Being true to yourself is the highest form of freedom. Hence, The liar is a thief of his own freedom.

Yes a thief. And since we mentioned thievery, stealing is a form of lying too. You lie to yourself, saying that whatever you have stolen should belong to you. You are also lying to others, saying treat me as The Thief. Again, playing the role of someone else.

The boy who cried wolf is a character that gains the reputation of a liar, therefore no one believes him even when he tells the truth. The boy teaches others how to treat him by his words and his actions.  Are you the boy who cried wolf?  How do you teach others how to treat you?  Or should we say, how do others treat you and who taught them that?  REFLECT on your character, YOU. Be conscious of the words you say and the actions you take.  Are you living as YOU or are you playing roles?

By lying to someone else, you are putting what that person thinks of you (your image in their eyes) over who you are free to be, your true character, YOU.  Remember you live in your own world, inside your own body, as does everyone else.  So live according to you.

Live YOUR LIFE! Lying about your mistakes, or denying your responsibility in any circumstance, keeps you hostage within them. Acknowledging your mistakes, and maintaining responsibility in your present circumstance, is the only way to grow, and move upward, in the hierarchy of HAPPINESS.


Saturday, July 5, 2014

It's My World; You're Just Living In It

It's My World; You are just living in it

I see my world through my eyes, it's the only way. On a biological level, my vision in each eye is different from the other, and changes with age and sunlight. This already gives me proof that I see my world much different than how you see your world. On a conscious level, the lens of my attitude changes by the moment.  So again, we probably will never see the same thing in the same way, ever.

The people in my world- I think of  everything in relation to me and my path. When I use the term "my" this is what I mean. It has nothing to do with possessiveness, I own nothing or no one; I just am. When I speak of my husband, I do not own him, his thoughts or his actions. He is "my" husband because I decided to accept his partnership and companionship through this thing called "my life". He helps me in my world, as I do in his. When I speak of "my" children, I know I do not own them, their thoughts, or their actions. They may do as the please, when they please, because they too, are in their own worlds, with total ability to create their life.

My thoughts, opinions and my actions are only relative to me in my world. If either of the aforementioned does seem to affect you positively or negatively, it is because you allowed that affect (your thoughts or attitude) into your world. As children, we don't have this awareness.  If you want to gain control over the path you walk in the world in which you live, you must come to these terms.

Control is a funny concept. Control, by definition, is the act of dominating and commanding; authority. Most seek control over others or over outside forces when they have yet to conquer control over themselves. You cannot control that of another's world, it's of the impossible. You cannot control the thoughts that run rampant through someone's brain, and you can't control their actions-even with the strictest restraints. Just as you cannot genuinely love anyone else if you do not love yourself, you cannot genuinely control anything or anyone without, first, controlling yourself. When you seek control over that outside of yourself, you will lose the little control you do have over your thoughts and actions. As you even try to restrain another, you also strip yourself of energy (that could be applied elsewhere) and practical logic.

Point being: I exercise control over me and my world. I am mindful of what gives me a joyous feeling, not of what does not. I realize people act in accordance to that of their world, which is what they choose to see and how they choose to view it. Hence, it seems pointless to persuade, argue with, defy, deny, or even agree with that of anyone else's world.

No, I am not saying we are separate from one another. More importantly, I          am saying we will feel most connected by the awareness that we think and experience life differently from each other. Live your life, in your world, and allow me to do the same, in mine. If you ask of advice, guidance, or opinion, just remember it is from the vantage point of living in my world.

<3 Stephanie,

Happy, Ever After

Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy People: They Are Real

 Once upon a time someone wrote ...

"I don't believe anyone who pretends to be happy all the time!  You're not a real person."

... And so a "happy person", with the help of a "real person" most famously known for his intelligence, was inspired to share with the world that people who believe in fairy tales will put all their energy into creating their own.  For if you hold the pen, only you can decide if each day will hold a happy ending.

As a real person, you have no wand!

Because you most obviously cannot wave your magical wand and turn each day into a happy one, you must learn to find the magic already existing inside yourself!

Magic!  All real people have it!

Those actively looking for this magic and consciously practicing it, will naturally become a positively  positive force to be reckoned with.

Negativity is the happy person's tool.  

Well hello! This is science!  Can positivity even exist without negativity?  If it did, what a bore!  A happy person uses the negative to find the positive in a place many think to be non-existent.

What is unhappiness?  Problems.
What is happiness?  Resolution of problems.

Seems simple, but only to those who believe continuous happiness to be a real state of mind.

Dare to argue with Einstein?  Is he not a real person?

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
- Albert Einstein

Most problems are solved with finding the role you played in creating them.  Instead of looking for resolution, most people will carry on in their lives and tote around the problem in mind, words, and actions.  When you stay active in the problem, you're just another villain in the story.  But who plays the villain in his or her own story?!

Allowing misery to take the joy from life is choosing to continue to dwell, or may I say "drown" in the consciousness which creates it.  One who waits for the experience of misery to feel grateful is also a real person, just a real backwards one.  If you are waiting for the painful and sad moments of your life to make you experience the beauty of gratitude and love, which is the true essence of life, you're living life backwards.  If you live your life backwards, you will never ever get to where you're meant or want to be.  And so because you cannot find happiness living backwards, you will think it doesn't exist.  You will think it's momentary, temporary, or completely unattainable in the sad, sad story you write yourself.

Can you imagine doing some of the things you do everyday backwards?  Drive your car backwards, walk backwards, talk backwards ... You're bound to fail.

It's inevitable.

True happiness isn't maintaining a smile through pain.  It isn't telling people you're happy when your not.  It's not play pretend.  In fact, those who play pretend suffer more than those who wear their misery.

A truly happy person is one who practices a life that starts each and every day with gratitude.  Starting each day thankful for your life is opening yourself to what the universe has in store for you!  When you are grateful for what you already have, at the start of each day, you make room for more!  Bigger than that, you welcome it and invite it in!

Because we are human, we are naturally and spiritually empathetic and totally emotional.  We have to experience all emotions to have a truly happy life.  Anyone who is PRETENDING to be happy all the time is a real person too, just a real miserable person.

Imagination is reality.

Our minds which house our imagination can go only one of two ways.  It's the battle in all fairytales; the reoccurring theme of good versus evil.  Most think of imagination and think of childhood.  Yes, that is absolutely where our imagination is seeded. Childhood is a time where the roots are planted for us to harvest our imaginations for adulthood, to feed our minds of all which we can imagine our lives to be.  The happy life exists in your mind, not outside of yourself! Because society tells us imagination is for childlike games and pretending, we grow into conformed and submissive adults that don't think for themselves and are likened to a robot (see "The American Robot, Part 1").

"Imagination is everything.
It is the preview of life's coming attractions".

- Albert Einstein

The person who lives a truly happy life is the one who has the magic to turn negative feelings into positive ones.  Practice gratitude at the start of each and every day and you will manifest the power to find happiness  through all experience and emotion.

So if you are going to live the backwards life, You might as well just walk out of your house in a hand stand and drive with your head in the seat and your feet at the wheels!  And if you are okay with the backwards life, understand that the words you say will only be understood by those who too, choose to live the backwards life.

For the words that come from a
backwards person only sound like the language of misery, which to a real happy person, just sounds backwards!

"Oh but fairytales do exist, my dear.  I know because I live one myself!"


Jennifer of Happy, Ever After <3

Monday, June 2, 2014

Love Me, I Do

Love Me, I Do

I love learning, teaching
I love mirrors, reflections
I love beauty in colors
I love art, in all it's forms
I love helping, serving needs
I love children, their curiosity
I love mistakes
I love progressing
I love building
I love growing
I love climbing
I love my elders, their wisdom
I love partying, the mingle
I love sleeping, my rest
I love being silent,
amongst all its noise
I love going away and coming back
I love sunny days and rain water
I love different people doing different things
I love different people doing the same things
I love my memories, yesterday
I love my dreams, tomorrow
I love today
I love right now
I love living my life
I love seeing you live yours
Love me, I do
And because of that,
I love you, too,

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Destination: Land of Assumption

All aboard! All aboard!

This train is heading to the Land of Assumption, where nothing of no one is known.  Thank you for assuming your ticket to this boundless Land.

However, your tickets come with a travel warning: All Ticket Holders MUST Be Riders!! No cancellations, no delays, no refunds!! This policy serves as responsibility of choice in deciding to visit the Land.

Once you've arrived, you will be staying at the all-inclusive resort of your Imagination. Anything can happen here...but only what you assume.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Dear Fear

Dear Fear,

I am writing you this letter to inform you, as of today, I will no longer need your services. I have recently come to the realization that you serve no real purpose. If anything, you have been of a disservice to me - mind, body and soul.

I no longer need your sadness to fill any voids. I have discovered voids are nothing more than a fun house mirror, a distorted image of myself, an illusion of a mind controlled by my ego. I am everything I need.  I always have been. No more tears and puffy eyes to deter my beauty.

I no longer need your anger and hostility. Accepting your mean words, strapped me into a roller coaster of emotions, and physical pain.  Uncontrollable the boxcar raced as I sat strapped in, unable to slow it down, sometimes just wishing it would run off track, taking me to my demise, just to stop the pain.  Regrettably, I would join the ride, saying things I don't mean, to people I sincerely love.  All along I held the button to stop it inside the pockets of my soul.

I no longer need your anxiety and doubt.  The games you made me play with my soul, I never got anything done.  Procrastination swallowed my potential, but I've forced it back up as my mind, body , and soul continues to purge your lies, your false advertisement.  "Perfectionist" they call me, but inside I feel perfectly incomplete.

I no longer need your jealousy. It stole my confidence, and continued to haunt me.  I thought I was inferior, so I would steal from others and take the credit. I no longer breathe your hate and am no longer lonely, as my acceptance for myself and others attracts love and life.

I am divine, with my own talents and passions, uniquely my own. I walk to my own beat, as I am the creator of my soul's song, my life's album.

To think, you really thought you'd be better, than I, at being me. Ha!


Happy Me

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Box

What's a Box?? A box is defined as a cubed container used to hold things, usually for a purpose. However, the space within any box is very limited, so only a few things, out of an infinite supply of things, can fit into this space.

Because the space is so limited, you must choose what goes inside this box based on what is most important to you. If we are talking about your life, per se, some important items may be memories of your past, your beliefs, your values, what you already "know" and have already experienced. People tend to stay in their boxes, it's all they know. People hold on tightly to their boxesThere is much security and certainty in the "known". People want security and certainty, tightly holding to their boxes,. But what does security and certainty offer?? In a nutshell, security and certainty offers everything old, repetitive, and predictable.  This is the life of an American Robot. What newness, excitement, and/or mystery can ones's box offer??

None. No learning, no creativity, no growth, no progress takes place "inside the box". This is probably why when finding answers to tough questions, people tend to suggest to "think outside the box". Hold on, what are they really asking us to do?? How do you think "outside" of the box??  The purpose of the box is to hold important  things, so why would you go outside this box for any reason??  Even when you leave your box to get something, once you have it, the statement implies you indeed return to your box.

"Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box", says our dear friend, Deepak Chopra.  You must shed your box to truly be free.

If we are a world full of boxes, categorized, organized, and sorted, we are settling to be stored away and soon to be forgotten.  Break your box down and become connected to yourself  and your place in this big, big Universe.