Friday, April 25, 2014

The Box

What's a Box?? A box is defined as a cubed container used to hold things, usually for a purpose. However, the space within any box is very limited, so only a few things, out of an infinite supply of things, can fit into this space.

Because the space is so limited, you must choose what goes inside this box based on what is most important to you. If we are talking about your life, per se, some important items may be memories of your past, your beliefs, your values, what you already "know" and have already experienced. People tend to stay in their boxes, it's all they know. People hold on tightly to their boxesThere is much security and certainty in the "known". People want security and certainty, tightly holding to their boxes,. But what does security and certainty offer?? In a nutshell, security and certainty offers everything old, repetitive, and predictable.  This is the life of an American Robot. What newness, excitement, and/or mystery can ones's box offer??

None. No learning, no creativity, no growth, no progress takes place "inside the box". This is probably why when finding answers to tough questions, people tend to suggest to "think outside the box". Hold on, what are they really asking us to do?? How do you think "outside" of the box??  The purpose of the box is to hold important  things, so why would you go outside this box for any reason??  Even when you leave your box to get something, once you have it, the statement implies you indeed return to your box.

"Instead of thinking outside the box, get rid of the box", says our dear friend, Deepak Chopra.  You must shed your box to truly be free.

If we are a world full of boxes, categorized, organized, and sorted, we are settling to be stored away and soon to be forgotten.  Break your box down and become connected to yourself  and your place in this big, big Universe.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


   Makeup, hair extensions, false eyelashes, push up bras, spanx, high heels, expensive clothes and haute couture fashion all present, with the intent to be beautiful: but are you happy?  Scrolling through our newsfeed, "beauty might bring happiness, but happiness always brings beauty."  The beauty of your happiness comes from your smile.

    Anyone can recognize a smile; teeth will show and eyes will smile too.  Most importantly, you will also notice an inviting positive energy emitting from the smiler. This called kindness "... a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see," from the man himself, Mark Twain.  "Language" is the understood communication between two entities, or individuals. With that being said, smiling is a Universal Language, understood by all, with no words needed.

   Everyone has the ability to offer kindness, to others and themselves, regardless of their circumstance or experience. Smiling speaks loudest to you. Scientists have studied the personal effects of smiling; when you smile, you feel better, and isn't feeling better a reason to smile? So, even if you don't feel good to start with, just smile. Life in that moment may not be the party you hoped for, but while you're there you might as well dance!

   Smiling between two positive energies is contagious.  When you smile, others magically smile back. The sight of someone smiling because of you, is the best feeling on Earth in that moment. Some may not reciprocate the gesture, but let no one separate you from your smile. After all, isn't better to be the one who smiled, than the one who didn't smile back?