Saturday, July 5, 2014

It's My World; You're Just Living In It

It's My World; You are just living in it

I see my world through my eyes, it's the only way. On a biological level, my vision in each eye is different from the other, and changes with age and sunlight. This already gives me proof that I see my world much different than how you see your world. On a conscious level, the lens of my attitude changes by the moment.  So again, we probably will never see the same thing in the same way, ever.

The people in my world- I think of  everything in relation to me and my path. When I use the term "my" this is what I mean. It has nothing to do with possessiveness, I own nothing or no one; I just am. When I speak of my husband, I do not own him, his thoughts or his actions. He is "my" husband because I decided to accept his partnership and companionship through this thing called "my life". He helps me in my world, as I do in his. When I speak of "my" children, I know I do not own them, their thoughts, or their actions. They may do as the please, when they please, because they too, are in their own worlds, with total ability to create their life.

My thoughts, opinions and my actions are only relative to me in my world. If either of the aforementioned does seem to affect you positively or negatively, it is because you allowed that affect (your thoughts or attitude) into your world. As children, we don't have this awareness.  If you want to gain control over the path you walk in the world in which you live, you must come to these terms.

Control is a funny concept. Control, by definition, is the act of dominating and commanding; authority. Most seek control over others or over outside forces when they have yet to conquer control over themselves. You cannot control that of another's world, it's of the impossible. You cannot control the thoughts that run rampant through someone's brain, and you can't control their actions-even with the strictest restraints. Just as you cannot genuinely love anyone else if you do not love yourself, you cannot genuinely control anything or anyone without, first, controlling yourself. When you seek control over that outside of yourself, you will lose the little control you do have over your thoughts and actions. As you even try to restrain another, you also strip yourself of energy (that could be applied elsewhere) and practical logic.

Point being: I exercise control over me and my world. I am mindful of what gives me a joyous feeling, not of what does not. I realize people act in accordance to that of their world, which is what they choose to see and how they choose to view it. Hence, it seems pointless to persuade, argue with, defy, deny, or even agree with that of anyone else's world.

No, I am not saying we are separate from one another. More importantly, I          am saying we will feel most connected by the awareness that we think and experience life differently from each other. Live your life, in your world, and allow me to do the same, in mine. If you ask of advice, guidance, or opinion, just remember it is from the vantage point of living in my world.

<3 Stephanie,

Happy, Ever After